Execution deadline in working days
Public law legal person
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Receiving restrictions

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A merchant shall notify the Health Inspectorate regarding the commencement of commercial activities in the field of disinfection, disinsectisation and the provision of deratisation services.
Before commencing commercial activity, the service provider must submit an application and a list of employees to the Health Inspectorate who will provide disinfection, disinsectisation and deratisation services and documents certifying their education.
The service is free.

Process description

  1. Service requests
    Prior to the commencement of commercial activities, a merchant shall submit a submission to the Health Inspectorate in accordance with the Annex to Cabinet Regulation No. 350 of 13 April 2010, Procedures by which a provider of disinfection, disinsectisation and deratisation services shall notify the commencement of commercial activities. A list of the employees (specialists) who will provide the service and copies of the documents certifying their education in conformity with the requirements specified in the regulatory enactments regarding the procedures for the performance of measures for disinfection, disinsectisation and deratisation shall be attached to the submission.

  2. Receipt of services
    A written reply shall be sent to the merchant that it is included in the list of legal persons who have notified commercial activities - “Deinfect, disinsectisation and deratisation service providers”. The said list may be consulted on the home page of the Health Inspectorate, in the section “Registers and Databases”.

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